I just spent $63.80 on henna (1000 grams) and 1/2 lb of shea butter...I hope I don't regret this...

It's  the Jamila brand art quality and I've really only heard great things about the brand and henna in general. I know I won't be able to find henna or shea butter while I'm home so I figured  I might as well buy now.

Plus that's 10 boxes and it should last atleast until I come back in June.

I can't beleive it's already (almost) 2011!!!  And that means it's been almost a year!!!

So I've been home for a little over a week. I haven't really been too focused on my hair. I've been working and trying to spend time on my hair so I try not to be as obsessed with Genevive as I really am.

I ordered some Oyin products before I came home so they were waiting on me when I got here. I'm still deciding whether I like or love..or want to leave them so a review is coming.

I also found more Yes! to tomatoes conditioner at Ross for $2.99...but now I'm starting to rethink that. More to come too.

Below are just a few pics of the best twist out I've probably ever had. I co-washed with some conditioner I had here in my house and twisted with Oyin Shine and Define (review coming). I thought it was the Oyin but I haven't gotten similar results yet...

And that lady is just my mommy :) I'm working on her to become natural...or atleast less precessed. (She died her hair too red and wore the beanie for a few days until she could dye it AGAIN).

Still haven't gotten my trim...I'm scared to let anyone do it :( But I really need one and know I can't do it myself. Plus my ends seem to get worse everyday. I don't think I've ever needed a trim so badly in my life!

Stay tuned...more to come!

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Ugh! Genevive is soooo tangled. Maybe it's all in my mind but the closer it gets to trim time the more tangled she seems. And it doesn't help that the other day I did a little...rinse. I put oil and conditioner in and slept over night then just rinsed in the morning. I think that's the reason she not so dry. But still a little tangled. It was too soon for a wash and too weird looking to just do nothing. So now I just have a weird shaped, shrunken, mini fro. It's not as bad as it sounds but not as cute as it could be... I'm a little nervous about the trim though. I don't want to get it straightened but I don't want to get a bad trim on shrunken and tightly coiled hair...hm. More research is needed.

The bad thing is that now I need to do my hair and I don't know if I'll have time before I leave. I leave on Sunday! I think what I'll do is cleanse, condition, and style and then just bonnet it. Like I'll do the bantu knots on Saturday (or whenever) and then just leave the front few undone to create an inflight bang. Although the only thing with that is I think I'll have to take the bonnet off for security. I guess they'll just have to see my bantu knots because I don't want to smoosh a fresh do on the flight...


Just some other pics of Genevive. The first 2 are after washing and deep conditioning. The curls were popping so nicely that you can barely tell I need a trim! Top right is just me playing with my weird hairline-bang. My widow's peak is weird so the front hangs kind of like a floppy bang...not cute. The last 2 are an experimental puff. I kind of like it! It looks kinda big and fluffy. I walked around for a few minutes with it and then my head started throbbing. I must not be doing it right because people wear them all the time without pain. I'll have to investigate this issue further because I would love to stretch my curly styles for another day or 2 with this puff thing.
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So this week I did a bantu knot out. It takkes less time and patience to do bantu knots and it's less manipulation than a big fro. I tried 2 new products (which I will review once I give them another try separately). Let's just say the preliminary results are pretty darn good. My curls were simply popping...and shiny. I wore the knots for about 2 days and then took them out because I had some {goodbye} events to go to. The first 2 on the bottom are day 1, the middle is day 2 and the last one is yesterday so...day 4ish. I retwisted a few in the front but the curls have actually been really nice and don't need to be revived.

More to come!
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