This week I've had a few experiences that have made me think...not bad experiences but experiences nonetheless.
The two instances that I can remember were both compliments from white women. The first was a girl who looked me in the eyes and said "I REALLY like your hair." It was a compliment and there wasn't anything to read into that. She admitted that at first she couldn't figure out why I cut my hair off. And the other was an older (probably my mom's age) lady who said that she just loves my haircut. I had never had a conversation with this lady but she went on to talk about how during the 70's she had admired afros. Then she asked me a question I've never considered.

She asked if hair length was an issue in the black as far as black men preferring women with long hair.

I know that's not anything new but it was the way she phrased it. She was basically comparing it to the white experience. In her experience, white men like long hair and she asked if it was the same in my experience. I was kind of taken aback because I honestly thought she was going to say something ignorant. But the only answer I could think of was that it really was more of a cultural preference than just a style preference. I know that some men don't care about hair but it made me think that we, as black women, go through alot and it makes me wonder if it really is a culture thing or a style thing. Do you think it's culture or even something deeper?

I've been natural now for 2 whole weeks. It's been absolutely lovely. I feel like it's been longer than 2 weeks but I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I think it's good because that means I'm truly comfortable with this. Passing by mirrors and catching a glimpse of myself is crazy. She looks hot!

This week I tried the less-is-more routine. I really don't feel like any of the products that I've been using are THE ones. I did add in the IC Fantasia gel, which I've heard rave reviews about, and it just doesn't give me what I need. It has a weird reaction with the conditioner and oils and gets whitish.

I'm still just going for shine and health. I can't seem to define my curls. I think there's skeleton hair (not sure if that's a real term). What I mean is my hair doesn't really curl and even though I got a trim after I cut it myself, it's not behaving. I think it'll take a few months just because my ends are colored so they may be damaged. Although my hair cut is bold I just don't think I could shave off all the color so I'll just grow it out a little more. Only time will tell.

*SN: School's been extra busy but I'll devote a post specifically about my products. Not this week but definitely early March. I'm in no rush simply because I'm not excited about those products.

**SN: I went to WHOLE FOODS today for the first time! I am in love. It was everything I hoped for and more. I didn't buy anything but I can see alot of my next check going there. I'l def do a post when that happens.

Ok. So I have officially survived my first week 100% natutal. I think it went well. I've already learned so much about my hair. Even though I cut it on Saturday I didn't wear it out until Tuesday. I know it was a complete surprise to everyone. I think some of my professors weren't sure who I was. I actually had a girl in one class tap me on the shoulder so she could make sure she was in the right class.

So far I haven't had any negative feedback, atleast not to my face. Everyone seems to love it and they say it "suits" me.
I think it does suit me. I don't really care if nobody agrees with me. For the first time in my life, I did something strictly for me. I don't regret it and I love it more every morning when I look in the mirror. I'm falling in love with myself...It sounds corny but I am. I've been liberated! There'se no going back now.

As far as products, I plan on doing a post specifically for what I've been using but for now I'll speak generally. I've been co-washing every day and leaving some in. I've also been using coconut oil for sealing my ends. My routine definitely needs some tweaking. Earlier in the week I think I used too much product so it wasn't soft and got kinda flaky. I cut out the gel and reduced the amount of conditioner left in and my hair was more receptive. I'll do another post about it, but I also did a deep conditioner on Saturday and I think it helped with the softness tremendously.

I plan on revisiting the gel over this next week and I also got some olive oil to add into the mix. I think I was overzealous this week. I'm quickly becoming a product junkie. My goals this week are to figure out how to best use the products I have and to try not to co wash every single day. They sound simple, we'll see how it goes...

Nappy trails to you!

Welcome to my blog! I'm so happy you're here. I'm new to the blogosphere so be patient with me. I'm so excited to start documenting my journey. I just did my big chop last week (February 6, 2010) so I'm really new to this whole natural thing.

A few things that I want to cover with this blog are:
  • my routine
  • people who inspire me
  • product reviews
  • hair care recipes
  • fitness and my hair
  • goals and challenges about my hair
  • finding other naturals

This list could go on and on...and on but those are just a few things for now. I'm so excited about this and I already know that this is a never ending experience. I'm not interested in the specific science behind natural hair so I won't be covering much of that. I just want to cover what I'm interested in and what I learn about MY hair. This is all from my own perspective and in my own self interest. I hope what I learn can help others but if you learn nothing else, remember no two heads of hair are the same.

Nappy trails to you!

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