Ok. So I have officially survived my first week 100% natutal. I think it went well. I've already learned so much about my hair. Even though I cut it on Saturday I didn't wear it out until Tuesday. I know it was a complete surprise to everyone. I think some of my professors weren't sure who I was. I actually had a girl in one class tap me on the shoulder so she could make sure she was in the right class.
So far I haven't had any negative feedback, atleast not to my face. Everyone seems to love it and they say it "suits" me.
So far I haven't had any negative feedback, atleast not to my face. Everyone seems to love it and they say it "suits" me.
I think it does suit me. I don't really care if nobody agrees with me. For the first time in my life, I did something strictly for me. I don't regret it and I love it more every morning when I look in the mirror. I'm falling in love with myself...It sounds corny but I am. I've been liberated! There'se no going back now.
As far as products, I plan on doing a post specifically for what I've been using but for now I'll speak generally. I've been co-washing every day and leaving some in. I've also been using coconut oil for sealing my ends. My routine definitely needs some tweaking. Earlier in the week I think I used too much product so it wasn't soft and got kinda flaky. I cut out the gel and reduced the amount of conditioner left in and my hair was more receptive. I'll do another post about it, but I also did a deep conditioner on Saturday and I think it helped with the softness tremendously.
I plan on revisiting the gel over this next week and I also got some olive oil to add into the mix. I think I was overzealous this week. I'm quickly becoming a product junkie. My goals this week are to figure out how to best use the products I have and to try not to co wash every single day. They sound simple, we'll see how it goes...
Nappy trails to you!