Finals are in full force and of course I should be studying but I thought I would post a few pictures...just in case someone is out there missing me.
The picture above is from today. I had an event to go to today and I decided to wear a headband. I had 2 revelations: I don't look completely ridiculous with a headband on and secondly, I have no edges (I hate it)!

The above picture (sorry about the quality) is of improptu two strand twists. Yes. I did two strand twists on my TWA. After fearing that maybe my hair wasn't growing,I was
relieved to see that some of my twists are almost as long as my finger!

I'll post better pictures of the twists and of course some after shots. This was really easy, it only took me about an hour once I got going.

Enough lollygagging...back to studying!

Nappy Trails...

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