It's been sooo long. I don't know why this keeps happening. I've been back for over a month and I'm actually departing again in about 2 weeks. My routine was very haphazard-like while in Argentina so here is the photo summary.
I think this picture is basically how I wore my hair the whole time-just me and my afro.
I really love this faux/fro hawk inspired by fellow blogger natural chica.
I think this is going to be my signature style in the coming months.

This is like 3rd day twist out. It was still kind of coily.
Nothing new-top view.
This is the twist out right out of the twists. I had some frizz and definition problems. Not really feeling it.
This is the same day. It was shiny but I used the Carol's Daughter Some of Ms. Margeurite's was a little oily.
Same day just after a little more fluffing.
My life saving deep conditioner- fresh AVACADO! I used a whole one for my hair and they were so cheap.
I wish I had had a mixer or something but I had to mash it in cups. I did it twice and both times my hair was so much shinier and softer. The downside: tiny avacado strings in my hair after rinsing.
This is a good texture shot after rinsing out the avacado. See my shine!
This is like 3rd day twist out. It was still kind of coily.
Coming soon: my plan for my hair in the coming months, products I've been using, and of course more pictures!
Nappy trails...