Genevive is a year old today!!!
This year has gone by soooo fast. I really can't believe that a year ago, at almost this time, I was sitting in my dorm room with a pair of raggedy scissors chopping my hair off.
I've come so far. We've come so far. I've learned so much and I have so much more to learn.
This is me in February 2010, shortly after my big chop |
What I've learned in the last year is:
- My hair can be really soft. At first it wasn't but I've learned that it really likes a little oil.
- A little goes a long way. At first I was really heavy handed with everything but now I realize that a nickel sized drop of oil is really all I need.
- Protective styles. My hair grows best when I just leave her alone for days at a time. Not neglect or ignorance but just giving her space.
- What works for everyone does NOT work for me. I've been resisting the band wagon and product junkyism and only occasionally giving in after much research.
- A little goes a long way...Product wise I don't have a lot of products and those that I do have I use. I don't have the money for a lot of experimenting so I try to work with what I have.
I CAN DO MY OWN HAIR! I was most nervous about the growth and how I would handle it. Prior to going natural I had never really done my own hair. I didn't learn how to wrap it until I was in college. Little by little I've learned to stlye and love my hair. I have so much more practicing and learning to do but flat twists and two strand twists are my holy grail.
Shiny, healthy twists today. |
Twists or a twist out probably done with gel. I washed this right out! |
So uglyyy! First set of twists for twust out. I couldn't even twist the back. |
My mini twists in the fall! |
Mistakes I've made have been:
- Not moisturizing enough. I never sealed or remoisturized thoroughly during the week. I also didn't DC as often as I think I should have.
- Continuing protective styles. When I saw a little growth I got caught up in doing twists only for the twist outs and started wearing my hair out more.
- Not detangling. I think when I had that growth spurt I didn't realize that I needed to slow down and properly detangle. I used a pic for all detangling until like a month ago.
I've had 2 trims this year. The first one was the unfortunate 80s style I got about 2 months in and the other one was a few weeks ago. I would say in all it was about 1.5 inches trimmed this year. I trimmed an inch myself and the other trim was just...unfortunate.
The unfortunate edges haven't been the same since. smh. |
I now have about 4 inches, in some places it's 3.5 but I would say the average is 4 inches. It's not as long as I expected. I didn't realize that I wouldn't have a huge afro in a year's time. That was my own naiivity but I can definitely tell it has grown. When I first cut it I couldn't even hold it between my thumb and finger and now it's as long as my fingers.
Feb short. so excited. |
August-ish 2010 |
I am happy with the length and I still love being natural as much as I did the day I cut it. I have alot of intentions and goals for the next 6 months. I say 6 months because I feel like I'll definitely be one of those naturals who grows to a certain length and then chops again. 6 months is the time between now and when I see my friends and family. I'm already getting overwhelmed with the detangling and everything else so I'll be lucky if I make it another year without another chop.
The most ovrwhelming thing for me is finding a regimen to make me and Genevive happy. Health is still my number one priority. Regular trimming and deep conditioning are very important.
More reflections and photos coming soon!
April 2010. Growth! |