I've been in Buenos Aires for almost a week. First off: It's fall here. Change of climate means change of routine. I didn't even bring my glycerin because I don't need a humectant, there's no moisture in the air. I tried to keep packing to a minimal so all I packed was Herbal Essences conditioner, and a small bottle each of EVOO and Avacado oil. But my aunt gave me Carol's Daughter Tui Herbal Conditioner, Tui Leave in Conditioner, and a jar of Some of Margeurite's Magic. Of course I couldn't leave those at home! (reviews to follow)

I haven't been doing much to my hair lately because part of the reason I went natural is because I don't want to be half way around the world worried about my hair. All I've been doing is putting either EVOO or avocado oil in my hair before bed and spritzing with the Tui leave in conditioner in the morning. I try to semi-pick my hair (just fluffing the roots) so I don't have to wet my hair.

Here are a few pictures. I'm trying the twist out again. My hair is getting so long! I actually have a little length now. Exciting!

A few days ago in the Botanical Garden.
It almost looks like a hairstyle!

The twists look like twists...the back is still short though.

I've also noticed that I have alot of hair that sticks up from my fro. I need a trim! I'm not going to try to get one here but as soon as I get home I'm going to get a trim. I may just go back to my beautician... we'll see. My thought was confirmed when I realized that my twists aren't as defined in the front. They were a little fuzzy.
That's all for now,
Nappy Trails.....

OMG! I've been so busy with school and everything that I completely let my nappiversary pass me by. It has officially been 4 wonderful months since me and my natural texture have been reunited. I started writing this 2 weeks ago so technically it's been almost 5 months of natural bliss.

Here are a few pics from the last few weeks. The first is just the most recent pic of my hair, thought I'd bring the location out of my room for a change.
These lower 3 pics are of the impromptu twist out I did weeks ago. I thought it actually turned out ok. Nay, better than ok. I'm planning on doing it again soon on clean/wet hair with something other than a but load of jell.

I'll try to write more now that school's out for the summer but I'm in Argentina right now so don't hate me for not posting frequently.

Also, I got new products that I can't wait to review/ incorporate into my routine!

  • Carol's Daughter products including a cream (gifts)
  • cocoa butter
  • jojoba oil

Nappy Trails to you!

Finals are in full force and of course I should be studying but I thought I would post a few pictures...just in case someone is out there missing me.
The picture above is from today. I had an event to go to today and I decided to wear a headband. I had 2 revelations: I don't look completely ridiculous with a headband on and secondly, I have no edges (I hate it)!

The above picture (sorry about the quality) is of improptu two strand twists. Yes. I did two strand twists on my TWA. After fearing that maybe my hair wasn't growing,I was
relieved to see that some of my twists are almost as long as my finger!

I'll post better pictures of the twists and of course some after shots. This was really easy, it only took me about an hour once I got going.

Enough lollygagging...back to studying!

Nappy Trails...

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