So last semester I bought (copies of) P90X. It's a series of Beach Body (which I know nothing about) but I really like it. I'm a work out DVD junkie. They save time and I don't feel self conscious about going to the gym plus I get a really good wrk out. Like better than going to the gym. I like dvds like Jillian Michael's 20 Day Shred because it's low on choreography and high on cardio/strength. I love the P90X informercials so when I saw the set, I had to have it!

I started the lean routine last semester but only did a few weeks and then went home. Long story short, although I brought the dvds with me to Spain, they had been shelved until a few weeks ago. The only thing I don't like about this set is that you have to commit to 1-1.5 hrs, 6 days a week to see results. I haven't had time/ motivation so I didn't even start them. But since I'm here for 5 weeks longer than others in my program and only for 1 class, I realized I don't really have an excuse. Plus, I'm soooo fat! lol. I'm not that fat but I'm kind of...uncomfortable and I know when I get back to the states people will be side-eyeing to see if I lost/gained weight. Study abroad has been worse than the freshman 15! I don't think I've gained alot of weight but it's hard to not have the vacation mentality. 

I don't know my weight and I'm not really worried about it. I 'm more concerned with how I look. I want to overhaul my wardrobe and to do that I'll need to try on alot of clothes and such. And I don't want to have to go up sizes. I would love to get back into the single digits as far as size, like an 8 sounds perfect to me right now. But I don't really know. I'm just going to work out and focus on the feeling of fitness (lol trademark that phrase!).

WOW. I just looked at the date of my last posting: March 13th...over 2 months ago! Well the good news is that nothing has changed and everything has changed.

I've been protective styling like a crazy person. It keeps my life simple.

This is my favorite style but the hardest for me to do :(

My twists change directions so the back is eh...

This a random style that I did...not my favorite but it held well.

This is my repeater and I guess mt signature beats simple twists.

I also have been wearing my hair out in the last month. I went to Morrocco and did some other travelling plus some good byes so I let it free for photo ops :)

Feria de hair accessories :)

This is a detangled and rinsed twist out...a semi rinse and go

I've probably henna'd once a month...I have 7 boxes of henna to take back home :/

Also did a twisted gets wonky at the top but chic nonetheless.

Barcelona :)
 Long hair don't care!
I blow dried for the first went ok.

Chunky Mini Twists!

My hair is getting sooo long!

It's a cute bob and I love it. I've had them in for almost a week and am trying to keep them in until I leave Spain (4 weeks from now!). I'm not sure if that will happen. I'll probably get itchy and have to rinse. Plus they're all different sizes and seem to frizz up/unravel. I only used Oyin Shine and Define and shea butter. I'll probably go back and reseal, retwist (some), and add aloe vera gel for extra hold this week. Why so soon? Because I'm going to spend the weekend with a friend from the states and  I'll have to look good because we'll take tons of pics together and she's black so she can see a bad hair day better than the spaniards lol. #sadbuttrue

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