Ok so I know I've stated that I'm not going to worry about products or try too many while I'm here..but I don't think I brought enough! I brought a few bottles of conditioner, a few oils, and my Oyin products. I'm now realizing that that won't be enough because a) my hair is going to get longer and need more product and b) I can't find/afford most of what I thought I'd be able to find here. I honestly thought that because it's Europe, I would be able to find more products and ingredients. What I'm finding is that everything is outrageously overpriced. I'm trying to develop a regimen and as my hair grows I realize that I can't just put any little thing in my hair. I brought a regular sized bottle of Suave Professionals and used it today after using some "organic" product I bought at Marshalls. I realized that I've been missing the slip of Suave. But now I have to ration it because I can't find it here...In Peru I saw V05 and other products that atleast seemed like maybe they'd work. Here I've seen Garnier Fructis and even Herbal Essences. But they're completely overpriced. A regular sized bottle of Herbal Essences is 2.79 euro that's 3.79 USD. That might not seem that bad but I don't want to pay that much for a rinse out conditioner...

My PJ wish list is:
  • Tangle Teaser. Everyone and their mother has one! I just want to try it...
  • A good conditioner. Suave or Aussie Moist or even Herbal Essences..something.
  • A leave in. Kinky Curly Knot Today or Giovanni.
  • More Oyin! I have enough of the Burnt Sugar Pomade but I'd really love more Shine and Define or Whipped Pudding. And everything else they have...
  • Oils. Jojoba, coconut, avacado...all of them.
  • A DC. I know I can use oils and whatever else. But I'd also like to just have something good and already mixed to save a little time everynow and then.
I could go on and on. Really...I think I'm just craving what I can't have right now. I wonder how expensive it would be if my mom sent me a care package...

I need a regimen! I think that lately I've been getting frustrated because I don't have a structured regimen for the care and keeping of Genevive. All the "gurus" stress the importance of regimens and seem to be able to do multiple beneficial treatments and restyling multiple times a week but that's just not me. Part of the reason I've committed to protective stlyes for the next few months is simply because I don't have time to co wash and retwist every few days.

As my hair has grown so has the list of products, treatments, styles etc that I can do to my hair. I want to go back to the basics and figure out what works best for me. Last week I henna'd without detangling or doing anything to my hair before. That was the worst mistake of my life! But I did it because I only had an hour of free time. I dc'd overnight too and didn't really detangle until I was styling a few days later. It took hours because my hair was tangles and matted...and I'm tenderheaded!

I think what I want to try in order to get a reggie going is:
  • Midweek cleanse, condition, style, etc. I'm in freakin SPAIN right now. I don't want to miss great weekend opportunities or look crazy in a bonnet on the weekends because I'm trying to multi task. Usually I do all that on Saturday night/ Sunday-all day. What I propose is to do all this on a Tuesday/ Wednesday. This way my hair is fresh for the weekend and I look great for photo ops!
  • Pre-Preparation. I feel like I wast alot of time, especially with henna because I prepare and use products all in the same period. Henna may work better for me if I prepare and leave it out for a day before putting it in my hair. That way I can just leave it on for a few hours.
  • Don't worry about products! Lately I've been really worried about products. What I want, need, can't find, can't afford. I'd prefer to use natural products but that may not be possible here. I can find evoo and just work with what I have.
My regimen will go something like this:
  • Tuesday evening: Prepoo with olive oil/coconut oil and a little condish. Detangle.
  • Shampoo/co-wash in sections.
  • Apply henna or DC.
Nevermind...I have alot to work on with this...My classes and internship schedule get into the way of all of this. I'll either have to do weekend hair time or just let it all fall out from dryness and neglect....

Forreal forreal plan coming soon!

Genevive is a year old today!!!
 This year has gone by soooo fast. I really can't believe that a year ago, at almost this time, I was sitting in my dorm room with a pair of raggedy scissors chopping my hair off.

I've come so far. We've come so far. I've learned so much and I have so much more to learn.

This is me in February 2010, shortly after my big chop

What I've learned in the last year is:
  • My hair can be really soft. At first it wasn't but I've learned that it really likes a little oil.
  • A little goes a long way. At first I was really heavy handed with everything but now I realize that a nickel sized drop of oil is really all I need.
  • Protective styles. My hair grows best when I just leave her alone for days at a time. Not neglect or  ignorance but just giving her space.
  • What works for everyone does NOT work for me. I've been resisting the band wagon and product junkyism and only occasionally giving in after much research.
  • A little goes a long way...Product wise I don't have a lot of products and those that I do have I use. I don't have the money for a lot of experimenting so I try to work with what I have.
I CAN DO MY OWN HAIR! I was most nervous about the growth and how I would handle it. Prior to going natural I had never really done my own hair. I didn't learn how to wrap it until I was in college. Little by little I've learned to stlye and love my hair. I have so much more practicing and learning to do but flat twists and two strand twists are my holy grail.

So I did henna again. It's been about 3 weeks since the first treatment. It was a little more difficult this time just because this isn't my house and I didn't want to mess anything up. I couldn't find a plastic bowl and there's only a sink and no counter top for working space. Having said that I tried to make it a little differently this time. Last time I used curlynikki's recipe of just 2 tea bags and honey.

This time I was pressed for time and used 2 green tea bags and added a cup of conditioner. I didn't have time to wash or detangle my hair before. According to curlynikki the conditioner acts as a conditioner and kind of gives you a deeper treatment.

Here are a fe shots of Genevive in the last week or so...the twist fro hawk didn't look as good as I thought from these pictures but I think it's just because of the parts.

Well not really a fail but  since I'm in Spain I just don't have access (or euros) to the products required for this leave in. I still really want to try it though.

The kimmay ingredients:
  • 1 oz Knot Today Leave-In (or 2 tablespoons of YOUR preferred leave-in)
  • 2 tablespoons of (Whole leaf version) Aloe Vera Juice with a pH 4.0 or 4.5
  • 2 teaspoons of Castor Oil (optional. I sometimes do without it)
  • 2 teaspoons of Jojoba Oil

What I have:
  • aloe vera gel
  • grapeseed oil
  • regular conditioner (non-leave in)
  • castor oil
So as you can see I have quite a variation on what she suggests. The first problem: I have no access to the Knot Today. Not only that but I don't use a leave-in leave-in. I just use a little bit of the same rinse out conditioner.  And I've searched a few stores here and come to the conclusion that the Spanish don't use leave ins.

I've searched many farmacias and natural supplement stores today and have come up with 2 monetary problems. 1) I can find jojoba oil but a tiny bottle was like 20 euros and cheaper bottles were mixed with vegetable oil (ew). 2) Aloe vera juice is stuuupid expensive here! A small bottle cost about 12 euros and a liter of Lily of the Desert cost 24! I know that's a good brand but there's no way I would use the whole thing 2 tablespoons at a time.

So I guess what I'll have to do is create my own mix using what I have. Her mixture is based on science aout pH and based on my own deductions I think that the aloe vera is the most important part. So what I'll do (if I ever get around to my hair) is make a mixture based on her measurements. The conditioner I've been using looks like it has a similar texture to Knot Today and grapeseed oil is about the same consistency as jojoba oil.

I think my own mix should yeild similar results because a) it will add moisture and b) I tried a random sprotz with similar ingredients last week and I think that's why my twists and resulting twist out looks good and has stayed soft all week.

We'll see...(soon hopefully)

I was doing my usual check of Curlynikki.com today and saw this article about Kim Cole's Grow Out Challenge. Since I've been thinking about starting my own personal challenge I figured I'd jump on the band wagon for hers. It's really pretty simple and I'll be adding my own guidelines (in red). The challenge will last 6 months from today.

I love this!
Here are the guidelines
  • Drink at least 64 oz of water each day (or half your body weight in ounces)
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • Take a multi vitamin and other beneficial supplements  I recently started a daily vitamin and 5000mcg of Biotin.
  • Handle hair gently at all times
  • Seal your ends every time you moisturize
  • Minimize (direct) heat usage
  • Deep treatment at every wash session. Maybe not every wash session but definitely every other week.
  • Develop and follow a consistent hair routine.  This is something that I've been struggling with but I know it wll help with retaining length and the healthiness of my hair.
  • Protective Styles! I like wearing my hair out but protective styles are easier and less time consuming for me.
  • Henna. I plan to henna atleast once a month. Time willing I'd like to do a "conditioning" henna treatment every 2 weeks.
  • Document your progress, observations, and frustrations on your personal blog
  • Encourage your fellow curlies by sharing tips, advice, and chiming in on their blogs
  • Have fun and enjoy the journey!

 This is all I can think of right now! It should be pretty easy to follow since my time is going to become limited in the coming months with school and exploring Seville. For some people when they get busy it means they neglect their hair but for me it means I'll finally have a daily routine and will probably be able to keep a proper hair care schedule. I don't know if I'll make it six months but I'll just go week by week.



So it's only Tuesday and therefore not the middle of the week but Genevive is just...normal. Genevive is actually fine right now but I'm a little antsy. I wish it were later in the week because I have big hair plans!

  • My scalp itches..it's probably a little dry from the winter wind.
  • I want to wash and henna again. I was going to do that tomorrow (Wednesday) so that I could have the DC and protective style done by the weekend but I have a presentation to do on Thursday and a beanie is NOT professional.
  • I want to try the protective style I posted the other day!
  • I'm really interested to try the Kimmaytube leave in. I like that she justifies it with science plus I've only heard great things about it. The only problem is that I don't have access to Kinky Kurly Knot Today and I don't have jojoba oil (but grapeseed is similar right?)

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